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Energetic Cords—What Are They and How Can They Affect You?


Do you ever feel drained after talking to certain people? Have you ever seen a name pop up on your phone and instantly felt your happy mood dissolve? If so, you may be experiencing the effects of energetic cords.

Colorful Example of two aura photographs
Colorful Example of two aura photographs

What Are Energetic Cords?

Our bodies generate energy that surrounds us, forming what science calls a biofield, though it's more commonly known as an aura. This energy field can be measured with specialized meters and even photographed using certain cameras. Interestingly, the frequency of this field increases when we are happy, healthy, meditating, or praying but decreases when we are stressed, sad, or unwell.

When two people spend time together—such as a parent holding their baby—their biofields can merge and interact. Subconsciously, one person’s energy can nourish the other, helping to strengthen and elevate their frequency. As children grow, physical distance increases, but an energetic bond often remains through energetic cords. These cords can also form between friends, partners, and family members.

When Are Energetic Cords Unhealthy?

Some energetic cords foster mutual support, allowing energy to flow freely in both directions. However, unhealthy cords can develop when one person constantly takes while the other continuously gives. These one-way cords are not supportive; instead, they become draining, leaving the giver feeling exhausted, emotionally depleted, and even anxious.

Some people who are sensitive to energy can see these connections and describe them as ‘silver cords.’ Occasionally, during therapy sessions, I can sense when a client has an energetic cord attached to them. While I may not know exactly who the cord is connected to, it becomes clear when it's an unhealthy, one-way attachment that is draining the client. Those cords are cutting and we discuss their management.

How to Manage Unhealthy Energetic Cords

If you feel like certain relationships are energetically draining, consider these steps:

  1. Identify the Source – Recognize the relationships that leave you feeling exhausted. It could be a co-worker, friend, or even a family member.

  2. Shift Your Mindset – Remind yourself that loving someone does not mean you have to constantly give. In fact, over-giving can sometimes cross the line into enabling or co-dependence.

  3. Visualize Cord Cutting – Picture yourself cutting these energetic cords and surrounding yourself with protection as your biofield regains its strength. Protection methods vary—some people smudge with herbs, wear saint medals or spiritual symbols, or work with a Biofield Therapist, Reiki Master, or other Energy Worker for assistance.

  4. Set Boundaries – Take control of how and when you engage with draining individuals. Change their ringtone on your phone so you can decide when (or if) to answer. If they come to you with self-created problems, shift the dynamic by asking “How do you plan to handle that?” instead of solving it for them.

  5. Take Your Power Back – Your time and energy are valuable. Setting boundaries is an act of self-care. In some cases, ending unhealthy relationships may be necessary for your well-being.

A Journey to Strength and Joy

Reclaiming your energy is a process. As you take these steps, you’ll gradually strengthen your biofield and move toward greater emotional balance, resilience, and joy.

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